Richard King Mellon Foundation
- Agency
- Freelance

The Richard King Mellon Foundation is one of the largest philanthropic institutions in the world. In 2022, the foundation underwent a major branding update, and Howard Development & Consulting was hired to develop their new website in WordPress. This major redesign involved a complete re-build, as the previous site had been created in an entirely different CMS. The new site was launched in January 2023.
- Translate the gorgeous new design (provided by Allen & Gerritsen (opens in new window)) into an optimized, user-friendly, accessible WordPress website.
- Transfer over 8000 entries and create a searchable, filterable index of the foundation's Grant winners using the FacetWP plugin (opens in new window).
- Create customized page templates using ACF Flexible Content Layouts.
- Display a custom styled LinkedIn feed using the Tagembed API.

Additional Tools
In addition to my normal tools below, I used the following software to make this project successful: