Richard King Mellon Foundation

  • Agency
  • Freelance
A mockup of the RKMF website on different screen sizes and devices

The Richard King Mellon Foundation is one of the largest philanthropic institutions in the world. In 2022, the foundation underwent a major branding update, and Howard Development & Consulting was hired to develop their new website in WordPress. This major redesign involved a complete re-build, as the previous site had been created in an entirely different CMS. The new site was launched in January 2023.


  • Translate the gorgeous new design (provided by Allen & Gerritsen (opens in new window)) into an optimized, user-friendly, accessible WordPress website.
  • Transfer over 8000 entries and create a searchable, filterable index of the foundation's Grant winners using the FacetWP plugin (opens in new window).
  • Create customized page templates using ACF Flexible Content Layouts.
  • Display a custom styled LinkedIn feed using the Tagembed API.
View Live Website (opens in new window)
A custom feed was designed for the homepage, and added via custom code using the Tagembed API. • Grantees can be filtered by keyword search, year, amount, or funding program.

Additional Tools

In addition to my normal tools below, I used the following software to make this project successful:

  • Facet WP
  • WP Engine

My Dev Tools

  • WordPress
  • Understrap
  • Advanced Custom Fields
  • Yoast
  • php
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap
  • Github
  • npm
  • Sass
  • WAVE Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool
  • Sublime Text and Sublime Merge
  • Photoshop
  • Figma
  • Sketch
  • BrowserStack